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3 Strategies for Dealing with Gym Anxiety

Gym intimidation

A study published by Washington University in St. Louis recently examined undergraduate students to find relationships between levels of social anxiety and exercise. They concluded that the students’ perceptions of their own abilities to exercise in public directly impacted their ability to stick to a fitness program, and in many cases, individuals with high social anxiety would avoid working out in public, ie, avoiding entering a gym, as much as possible.

However, it’s important to remember that the feeling of gym anxiety isn’t just limited to college students. It’s a universal issue that negatively affects millions of people nationwide who are simply doing their best to lead healthier lives.  It can be hard to shake the feeling that the gym is a place of judgement, but there are coping strategies to help ease your way into the gym and get to a happier, healthier place. Check some out below:

Don’t go it alone

One of the hardest things about overcoming a perception of our own abilities, is the feeling of being alone; feeling like you’re only one who doesn’t know what to do. It’s hard to ask for help, and it’s hard to watch everyone around you seem perfectly confident in what they’re doing. Making sure you have a support system is critical to blocking out those negative thoughts.

As embarrassing as it is, answering questions is what gym staff is there to do, and it will help make sure you don’t end up injuring yourself by using machines incorrectly. Working out in groups or with a friend have been shown to help in sticking to a fitness regime. Having someone to share in the journey promotes accountability, motivation, as well as sharing fitness knowledge.

If you need some support but can’t find friends to go to the gym with, fitness apps like Aaptiv and MyFitnessPal, that provide guidance from real experts, and make it easy to track progress. Often cheaper than taking boutique classes or paying for personal training, digital fitness technologies are changing the landscape of fitness- and more importantly, they’re helping those who would be otherwise too anxious feel more comfortable stepping into the gym.

Take a breath

Meditation and mindfulness are some the fastest growing health trends of the past few years. Taking a few minutes out of each day to practice mindful breathing and focusing attention on separating yourself from the jumbled thoughts and worries of the day have been proven to reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety. And while technology can be considered a contributing factor to stress and social anxiety, there are smartphone apps like The Mindfulness App, Insight Timer, and many others that help the everyday person navigate meditation.

Be patient

Any fitness program takes time to show results. The real key indicator of progress is the steady commitment to get into the gym and make other healthy lifestyle changes. Remember how you felt when you started a fitness routine, and measure that against how you feel after sticking to it for a month or two! Even if you can’t see it, the results are there.

Everyone is at the gym for the same reason- to become a healthier version of themselves. Keep your goal firmly in your mind, and don’t worry about anyone else.

What are some other strategies that have worked for you along your fitness journey?

Gymtimidation infographic

Testing Out the Spotify Family Offering

Spotify Family image

My family loves to listen to music. A lot. It seems like somebody’s always singing: my husband and I belting 90s jams in the car; my thirteen-year-old daughter half-yelling, half-singing “Moana” songs in the shower; my fourteen-year-old whispering the words to different pop songs in her room. Sometimes it feels like just about the only time we aren’t singing is when we’re asleep.

So when I got Spotify Premium, it seemed like the next logical step for my music-loving household. It looked like a good deal – about $10 monthly to listen to whatever I wanted – what could go wrong?

Within the first day of Spotify Premium, my husband had my password. I work from home, he works at the office, I thought it would be great for us to enjoy Spotify’s benefits. What I didn’t realize is that when they say only one listener at a time, they mean it. There I was, enjoying a soothing round of Nicolas Jaar’s 2011 album Space is Only Noise when it happened. Right as the music swelled, it stopped. At first I thought it was just frozen – my internet does lag – but everything else seemed to be working fine. No matter what I did, I kept being told my device was paused! It took me several minutes to realize what was going on. I called my husband, who was rocking out to White Snake on my Spotify account, and explained what the deal – only one of us could be online at a time! Since it was my Premium, we agreed he would ask me whenever he wanted to use my Spotify, to check in if I was listening first.

Crisis averted.

Until two days later, when my daughters got my password too – I know, I’m helpless! I love fostering their love of music, and I thought giving it to them was harmless. After the girls got home from school they retreated to my youngest’s room to hang out. How sweet, I thought, they’re spending quality time together!

…and then my music abruptly cut out of my headphones and I heard Justin Bieber streaming out from my kid’s room. I stuck with it, trying to work through the catchy songs, but let me tell you, trying to blog while Bieber’s music pounds in your ears? Not possible. Not unless you’re trying to write an article on pop music.

There had to be something else I could do besides dishing out $40 so my family could each have their own plan. Then, I remembered that I’d heard something about a family plan on Spotify, and I set to googling. I saw that Spotify’s Family plan was only $15 a month, $5 more than I was paying for just one account. I’d already tasted boundless listening before I’d relinquished my password to my family. I had to have it!

When I brought it up at the dinner table that night, everyone was pumped, especially our kids. Having their own accounts let them feel very grown up, but because it’s a family plan, I can set their ages on the account so they’re only listening to music that’s age-appropriate.

We set it up together that night. No more listening to Justin Bieber while I’m trying to write. No more getting cut off from my ambient music for my husband’s hair metal habits. My girls each already have their own mini bluetooth speaker – including a shower one, so they can jam anytime. That way, while they’re playing music in their rooms, I can get lost in my headphones and concentrate on work.

After a few days, my whole family was hooked. It’s been really fun to share playlists with each other, and I’m surprised by what a nice way it is to connect with my daughters about their expanding music tastes. We can recommend things to each other, or even listen to the same mixes, and we don’t have to worry about them listening to music with content we find too questionable.

I’ve also loved the Spotify Family plan because you can have up to six people on one account. Although you’re technically supposed to all be living in the same house, it’s not heavily enforced. It’s been nice to finally give my sister something back in return for all those years on her Netflix account. Even though she lives in Louisiana, she’s on my family plan too.

All in all, it’s been such a worthwhile investment for my family. $15 per month is really not a lot to ask for in exchange for a wide variety of music that we can all get into. We’ve worked it into our monthly budget so that we can all get to enjoy what we want, when we want. Possibly the nicest perk has been using Spotify in my car with the auxiliary jack. We listen to some new family favorites together – Solange’s A Seat at the Table is one we’re all four very into right now. It makes longer commutes and bad traffic more fun when we’re not endlessly flipping channels or cycling through the same music on our phones over and over.

At first I wasn’t sure if Spotify would work out for my family, but it’s been a lot of fun. I really enjoy having it for all of us, but honestly, even if it were just me and my husband, I’d still be down. It’s fun to get into the music my girls like, and show them what I’m into as well. All I need now is for them to move on past Justin Bieber.

How Did I Ever Live Without My Food Warmer?

Girl getting food from a food warmer

There’s really nothing that compares to hosting a great party. As a true social butterfly, I can tell you that it feels like I’m hosting a gathering of some kind almost every weekend. Any occasion is a good excuse for my family to invite people over, not just birthdays and holidays – I’m talking board game nights, NBA games, in-house karaoke (yes, we do that too), movie nights, the latest episode of Jane the Virgin – really any reason to gather a bunch of friends together for an evening. You name it, I’ve hosted it. And let’s get real. Everyone knows that the best part of any gathering, what makes or breaks the whole event, is the food.

And I really enjoy treating people to some quality food. My husband and I love nothing more than whipping up a whole spread of treats for people – chili, baked beans, a dal dish, chana masala, curries, potatoes, dips, and even hot drinks to help us make it through the winter like apple cider (we keep the rum on the side so the kiddos can enjoy the cider too). I’ve even been known to whip up a giant batch of homemade hot cocoa with homemade marshmallows on the side. Like I said, the food really makes the whole event. My husband and I go all out, and feel proud of the elaborate things we make for our friends.

Except for when all the food is cold.

It’s such a huge disappointment after laboring all morning in the kitchen to make all the goodies for a truly top-notch taco bar, my husband and I working in stained, rushed tandem to get the veggies fried, portobellos roasted, my husband’s legendary refried beans made from scratch. There’s such an unspeakable let down to have your guests dive into a decked out, promising taco bar, only to have the veggies soggy and the beans room temperature. Speaking frankly, by the time we finish cooking the second dish, the first one’s already cold. What’s an aspiring Martha Stewart to do?

The Solution

Enter my beloved food warmer. When my husband first came home with it one afternoon, I thought he was more than a little crazy. After all, weren’t food warmers reserved for Chinese food buffets or a motel’s continental breakfast? Did he think we were running a bed and breakfast suddenly? Who in the world were we, to have something so fancy as a food warmer in our kitchen cabinet?

And there it sat for two weekends, until we had another get-together. This time, we were having a competitive Uno night. My husband had his mind set on tacos again – like I said, he is an absolute genius when it comes to his special refried beans. He pulled the food warmer out from the cabinet above the fridge, and I shrugged. Sure, I thought, let’s give it a try and see if it’s worth the space it takes up.

Let me level with you here: it did not disappoint. We have the Oster food warmer, and it has three pans for three different dishes. My husband’s beans were warm all afternoon, my homemade nacho cheese stayed creamy and divine, and our veggie fajitas with roasted portobello mushrooms were juicy well into the evening. It felt so wonderful to see people eating food that was actually hot and ready, and I for one loved biting into a crunchy taco with warm fillings, all topped with cool, crispy lettuce. Mmm.

It’s been a hit at every party since. I love watching my friends go back to the food warmer for seconds and thirds and find that their food is still warm, and I find myself daydreaming about riveting new flavor combos for the next party – barbeque jackfruit, anyone?

Our food warmer has also been perfect for party stragglers. There’s one couple I’m friends with who shows up about an hour late every time we have a get together Before getting the food warmer, I would pile them up a plate of food, put some foil on it, and hope for the best. Now, the food they get is still hot and delicious by the time they wander on over – that is, if there’s any left.

The easiest part has to be clean-up, too. Since the pans are dishwasher-safe, it’s a breeze to clean everything for the night, and if there are leftovers, I just put use their lids and slide them into the fridge – after a little consolidating and rearranging, of course.

My husband and I’s relationship revolves around cooking and hosting. Although I was incredulous about his impulse buy at first, it has long lived up to its expectations. I can’t imagine hosting a party any other way, and I know I’ll never go back to life without a food warmer! I’m excited to go into this year’s birthday parties armed with my new favorite appliance. What kinds of dishes would you put in your own food warmer?

9 Foods That Cаn Stop Yоur Cravings and Help wіth Wеіght Lоѕѕ

healthy foods

Do you often wіѕh you knеw hоw tо ѕtор craving sugar аnd foods lіkе brеаd, sweets, and оthеr simple саrbоhуdrаtеѕ? If уоu juѕt соuld ѕtор thоѕе nаggіng lіttlе (оr not ѕо lіttlе!) сrаvіngѕ, dіеtіng wоuld bе ѕо muсh easier.

Nоt only саn саrbоhуdrаtе сrаvіngѕ lеаd tо bіngе еаtіng, whісh іn turn lеаdѕ tо more serious health problems, thоѕе fооd сrаvіngѕ that уоu are experiencing mіght be a ѕіgn thаt уоu hаvе a саѕе оf Cаndіdа. If you hаvе nеvеr hеаrd оf Cаndіdа, thеn уоu are certainly nоt аlоnе. Thоugh іt is not a new рrоblеm, it was оftеn соmрlеtеlу оvеrlооkеd and еvеn dіѕmіѕѕеd bу the mеdісаl соmmunіtу іn the past.

Whіlе it mау bе true thеrе’ѕ no mаgісаl fat burnіng fооd, there аrе a numbеr оf ѕuреrfооdѕ which аѕѕіѕt thе body to lоѕе wеіght, оr hеlр tо mаіntаіn a wеіght rаngе оnсе уоu’vе achieved уоur gоаl. Thеѕе foods wоrk bу nаturаllу controlling уоur hunger, іnсrеаѕіng fаt mеtаbоlіѕm аnd burning еxtrа саlоrіеѕ fоr uѕе as energy.

You know for ѕurе thаt taking in a liberal amount of fооd wоuld nоt rеѕult іn wеіght loss. And ѕо іѕ the case with deliberate starving оr ѕkірріng meals. When trуіng tо lose wеіght, іt is іmроrtаnt tо have diet plans and ѕtrаtеgіеѕ. Including fооd thаt helps wеіght lоѕѕ іѕ еԛuаllу important. Dietary сhаngеѕ соmbіnеd wіth еxеrсіѕе programs аnd supplements wіll result іn a lоng-lаѕtіng wеіght lоѕѕ.

It isn’t nеwѕ thаt dieting іѕn’t еаѕу. Evеrуоnе is lіkеlу to gо thrоugh ѕоmе tіmеѕ of аbѕоlutе dіffісultу. Thіѕ is especially true whеn іt соmеѕ tо foods that are ѕаltу аnd ѕwееt. Alas, the majority оf the fооdѕ thаt offer thе tаѕtеѕ thаt уоu’rе ѕеаrсhіng fоr dеfу everything about уоur dіеt. Sо, hоw dоеѕ оnе ѕtор cravings thаt are hоldіng уоu bасk?

Thеrе аrе numerous wауѕ thаt you can соnԛuеr уоur сrаvіngѕ such that the lіѕt іѕ рrасtісаllу еndlеѕѕ. Thеу will all rеԛuіrе a lеvеl оf соmmіtmеnt if уоu dеѕіrе to bе ѕuссеѕѕful. Let us tаkе оur dіеt аѕ a fасtоr іn reaching a hеаlthу wеіght lоѕѕ. Wе have tо tаkе note that рuttіng our weight loss fооds іntаkе іn рrореr роrtіоnѕ іѕ іmроrtаnt.

Food сrаvіng оr аn іntеnѕе dеѕіrе to соnѕumе a ѕресіfіс food, іn mоѕt case junk foods оr nutritionally devoid fооdѕ, may kіll your weight lоѕѕ efforts. Food cravings usually оссur in people fоllоwіng a very ѕtrісt diet plan аnd іt саn bе dіffісult tо оvеrсоmе. But іt іѕ vеrу іmроrtаnt to ѕtор сrаvіngѕ to achieve your weight lоѕѕ goals.

9 Foods Thаt Cаn Stор Yоur Crаvіngѕ & Hеlр With Wеіght Loss

Grееn Tea

Green tеа hаѕ bееn uѕеd fоr сеnturіеѕ, nоt only fоr its natural slimming еffесt but fоr thе hіgh аmоuntѕ оf antioxidants knоwn аѕ “catechins.” As a matter оf fасt, thе catechins аrе thе active ingredients thаt ѕtіmulаtе fаt burnіng аnd wеіght loss.

One сuр оf green tеа реr day will help уоu lower уоur bоdу mass іndеx, but thіѕ is not all: іf consumed rеgulаrlу, grееn tеа аlѕо lоwеrѕ the lеvеlѕ оf bad сhоlеѕtеrоl. It bаlаnсеѕ the blood ѕugаr lеvеlѕ (thuѕ bеіng ideal fоr diabetes sufferers) and іt drаmаtісаllу lоwеrѕ thе rіѕk for hеаrt dіѕеаѕе аnd сеrtаіn tуреѕ of саnсеr.


Grapefruits аrе dеlісіоuѕ and they аrе сеrtаіnlу a grеаt addition tо every wеіght lоѕѕ diet, gіvеn thе fасt thаt thеу соntаіn nutrіеntѕ which ѕіmрlу fоrсе уоur body tо convert саlоrіеѕ іntо еnеrgу, rаthеr thаn tо ѕtоrе thеm аѕ fаt. Nо mаttеr if уоu еаt thе grареfruіt raw оr you ѕԛuееzе іt іntо a delicious аnd nutrіtіоuѕ juісе, half a grареfruіt a day will keep thе dосtоr аwау аnd thе extra pounds аѕ wеll!

Hоt Rеd Pерреr

Thе hоt rеd рерреr is also one of the best diet foods and іѕ сеrtаіnlу a ѕрісу аddіtіоn tо mаnу dishes, but fеw реорlе knоw thаt ѕрісу сhіlі can have a significant impact on your weight. Cоnѕumіng red pepper rеgulаrlу wіll ѕuррrеѕѕ your арреtіtе аnd mаkе you feel full fоr several hours, which mеаnѕ that you wіll rеduсе the numbеr оf саlоrіеѕ уоu соnѕumе dаіlу.

Thе ѕесrеt lіеѕ іn thе high соntеnt оf сарѕаісіn, a соmроund typical tо red рерреr thаt rеduсеѕ hungеr and рrеvеntѕ cravings. In аddіtіоn to thіѕ, hоt red рерреr hаѕ ѕеvеrаl оthеr health benefits thаt ѕhоuld nоt be іgnоrеd еіthеr: rеd pepper flаkеѕ act аѕ natural аntі-іnflаmmаtоrіеѕ аnd thеу are аlѕо knоwn tо rеduсе thе rіѕk of blооd clots.


Bеаnѕ may nоt the mоѕt dеlісіоuѕ fооdѕ, but thеу ѕurеlу соmе іn hаndу if you plan to lоѕе lots of wеіght, gіvеn thе fact thаt bеаnѕ ѕtіmulаtе the рrоduсtіоn оf a nаturаl dіgеѕtіvе hоrmоnе that acts as a mіld арреtіtе ѕuррrеѕѕаnt, thus rеduсіng fооd сrаvіngѕ throughout thе day.

At the ѕаmе tіmе, beans аrе аlѕо grеаt for balancing blood sugar: it is a known fасt thаt ѕріkеѕ in blооd sugar levels trigger сrаvіngѕ (especially thе dеѕіrе tо еаt ѕwееtѕ and sugary products), аnd bу rеgulаtіng thеѕе lеvеlѕ, thе cravings are аutоmаtісаllу еlіmіnаtеd.

thіnk Thin Nаturаl Enеrgу Bаr

Put dоwn thе саndу bаr. Thеrе are mаnу hеаlthу аltеrnаtіvеѕ–lіkе thinkThin Natural Energy Bars–that can satisfy a hаnkеrіng wіthоut thе еxсеѕѕ ѕugаr.

Wіth flаvоrѕ like mixed nutѕ аnd white сhосоlаtе dірреd mixed nutѕ, they еvеn ѕоund like саndу bаrѕ. “Thеу gіvе you this great feeling of ‘wоw, I’m hаvіng a ѕwееt,’ but іt wоn’t blоw уоur diet.”

Thе bаrѕ аrе ѕwееtеnеd wіth ѕmаll аmоuntѕ оf rеаl ѕugаr рluѕ sugar аlсоhоlѕ (commonly found іn fооdѕ fоr dіаbеtісѕ). Because thіnkThіn bаrѕ аrеn’t mаdе with аѕраrtаmе, they lасk thаt ѕwееt сhеmісаl tаѕtе.

Healthy Trail Mix

If уоu thіnk уоu’rе dоіng уоur bоdу gооd by ѕnасkіng on dried fruіt, think аgаіn. Drіеd fruіt is often packed with sugar, аnd it’s ѕtrірреd of thе hungеr-fіghtіng fіbеr durіng thе dehydration process. Nоt оnlу dоеѕ dried fruіt соntаіn fеwеr nutrients thаn frеѕh fruіt, but it also can mаkе your bеllу blоаt.

Kаѕhі Gо Lean Orіgіnаl Cеrеаl

Pit the nutritional fасtѕ оf Kashi GоLеаn against those оf Frоѕtеd Flаkеѕ and thе twо dоn’t compare. Kashi’s роwеrhоuѕе cereal расkѕ 13 g оf protein, 10 g of fіbеr, and 6 g оf ѕugаr per serving–impressive ѕресѕ.

It’ѕ аlѕо important to watch thе ѕugаr content in сеrеаl if уоu douse уоur bоwl іn mіlk, a ѕnеаkу source of ѕugаr. “Eіght оunсеѕ оf nоnfаt milk has around 12 g оf ѕugаr, ѕо thаt’ѕ a hіddеn ѕugаr bоmb,” Reames ѕауѕ. “Mіnіmіzе the аmоunt оf mіlk you еаt tо рut оn уоur сеrеаl іf роѕѕіblе. Gо fоr half a сuр fоr еvеrу сuр of cereal іf уоu саn.”

Piece оf Dаrk Chосоlаtе

Enjоу a piece оf dаrk сhосоlаtе–расkеd with аntіоxіdаntѕ–іf thе сhосоlаtе urge wоn’t dіѕарреаr. A ѕtudу соnduсtеd bу Italy’s Nаturаl Institute for Fооd found thаt milk can interfere wіth the body’s аbѕоrрtіоn оf antioxidants frоm dark chocolate, making it a bеttеr сhоісе than milk chocolate. “Dаrk сhосоlаtе is also uѕuаllу less processed аnd contains lеѕѕ sugar thаn mіlk сhосоlаtе.”

Natural, Unрrосеѕѕеd Nut Butters

Reach for nаturаl реаnut buttеr аnd сеlеrу sticks the nеxt tіmе you’re сrаvіng a salty, ѕwееt combo. Thіѕ оld-fаѕhіоnеd ѕnасk расkѕ a ton оf nutrients.

“Cеlеrу іѕ composed mоѕtlу of fіbеr, water, аnd nutrіеntѕ. It gіvеѕ peanut buttеr аddеd vоlumе аnd crunch. Thіѕ ѕnасk can bе just as ѕаtіѕfуіng аѕ a PауDау bar”. And if celery іѕn’t your thіng, opt fоr a few аррlе ѕlісеѕ.




Fast Food Processor Recipes that Will Make Your Mouth Water

Food processor recipes

Think food processors are a hassle? Too much to deal with, to the point where it’s shoved awkwardly into the kitchen cabinet? I thought that too, until I saw these recipes that are so simple, and absolutely to die for! Turns out, food processors are a dream for sauces, truffles, ice cream, and more. Yes, you read that right: ice cream. Here are a handful of the very best food processor recipes out there. Check them out, dust off that food processor you’ve got stashed above the fridge, and get to mixing!

Let’s kick this off with the most important meal of the day…

  1. Move over, store-bought breakfast bars! These bars take less than ten minutes to throw together, and are a godsend when you’re scrambling to make it out the door. Make them on a free afternoon, so you can just cut ’em up and go during the work week!
  2. Speaking of breakfasts, what about this smoothie? I know what you’re thinking: a smoothie in a food processor? You must be crazy! But my friends, I assure you, I’m not. There’s a cult-like aura around blenders, and it makes those of us who use a food processor feel uninvited to the smoothie party. But it turns out smoothies still turn out just as great in a food processor! Try this dream, which is just like a virgin piña colada that transports you right to the beach any time of year. And go ahead, nobody’s looking if you splash just a *hint* of rum in there.
  3. While we’re at the breakfast table, how about something to revive your morning toast? Minimalist Baker is the queen when it comes to things to spread on toast (or to just eat with a spoon). Like this coconut butter. If you’ve never had coconut butter, you NEED to try this! It’s a chunky, rich dream, that melts and softens perfectly onto a crispy piece of toast in the morning. Try it topped with a few slices of banana or strawberry, or just straight up for a decadent, filling, morning treat.
  4. Minimalist Baker is probably my favorite food blog ever. I mean, have you checked out this brownie batter spread? You read that right. A brownie spread. Just toast some nuts, mix five ingredients up in the food processor, and you have this dreamy brownie spread that she recommends on top of french toast. Excuse me while I fan myself.

While we’re talking chocolate…

  1. Enter these inner goddess truffles from Pinch of Yum. Wow. So simple, so decadent, so…healthy? Amazingly, yes! Packed with good fats and protein from cacao and nuts, these babies can be indulged in any time of day, worry free.
  2. I can’t seem to get enough of sweets straight from the food processor, and boy does this one deliver! If you ever crave ice cream – and who doesn’t – this gem is for you. A magic thing happens to frozen bananas when they’re tossed into a food processor: they become the smoothest ice cream – low sugar, clean, and divine. This blog offers four different variations of banana-based ice cream. Wow. Just look at that mint chocolate chip goodness! I know what my breakfast plan is gonna be..
  3. Sweets are great, but what about the savory stuff? What about when it’s lunch time? Check out this great twist on a lunch classic: chickpea salad melts! This recipe delivers with that warm, gooey goodness of a melt, but has some quick, healthy ingredients that are most likely already in your pantry. Put that on some sourdough, top it with a little lettuce or cheese, and you’re good to go with a hearty sandwich that you can whip up in no time!
  4. How about a rich, chunky, arugula and cashew spread? Spread it on a panini, toast, crackers, or rice cakes. This dip takes only 15 minutes to make, and is an instant party – or lunchtime – hit.
  5. Food processors are made for dips and spreads. Minimalist Baker is at it again with her amazing baba ganoush. So creamy! So rich! This recipe calls for broiling the eggplant gives a deep flavor that’s crucial to making the best baba ganoush. I’m in heaven just thinking about it.
  6. No list of food processor gems would be complete without a solid hummus, and this one here does the trick. Smooth, rich, and “better than store-bought“, this one takes under 10 minutes to make, and you can immediately get to snackin’. Just don’t forget your carrots and chips for dipping!
  7. With football playoffs in full swing, and basketball ramping up, you really can’t have too many dips. Try this guacamole recipe for all your easy chip-dipping needs. While most guacamoles are hand-mashed – and not to knock the thick variety – this smooth, whipped guacamole is easy to dip, easy to spread, and easier to scoop than its chunky sibling. Whip this up in a few minutes – even during a commercial break – before enjoying the rest of a good game with your friends!
  8. Finally, I feel I would be amiss without introducing the world to this incredible “Rawcho” Cheese Dip. It’s creamy, amazing, and the perfect addition to all those dips we’ve been talking about. In my house, we whip this up, heat it, and drizzle it over nachos laden with jalapenos, refried beans, lettuce, and salsa. And I’ll come clean. Said nachos almost never make it to a plate all pretty – my family tends to eat them right off the pan! Whip this dip up, heat up some nacho fixins, and snack away!

There are about a thousand other food processor recipes to share, but these are just a few of my faves. With recipes as simple as these, there’s no reason to avoid the food processor anymore! Dust it off, grab these simple ingredients, and start whipping these treats up! What are some of your favorite food processor recipes? I’d love to hear them in the comments below!

Why I am Passionate About Flexible Work

flexible work

My IM/IT consulting career started in one of the big firms where I learned a lot about process and methodology, gained a lot of experience working with individuals and teams, and met many amazing folks. I loved it, loved the people, loved the projects, loved the travel, and loved the non-stop challenges.

Life Change #1

And then…life changed and I didn’t love parts of it anymore. I didn’t love the hours, the 7-days/week schedule, the lack of control of my personal time. So…I took a deep breath, took back control, and set out on my own, this time as an independent contractor providing services through a small consulting boutique.

In that phase of my career, life was more balanced. With some careful schedule management and prioritization, I could take on enough work so that I was fulfilled and challenged, but not so much work that it would interfere with the rest of my life. To me, the balance was perfect.

Life Change #2

Enter – the birth of my son.

“They” say it changes you, and it did. Sleepless nights aside, it changed my view of career and the role it plays in my life. I returned to work after six months (when 12 months is the cultural norm) and found work and roles that allowed me to balance time at home with time in the office and also gave me enough flexibility to attend my son’s activities and appointments when I wanted. For me, the balance worked.

Looking around at one of my peer groups – professional women with young families – I know that many were not able to find a balance that worked for them. Some asked their employers for flexible arrangements and were denied, forcing them to make a decision about what to do. Options that they reviewed included returning to the same role and same circumstances, not returning at all, or returning to a different role with more flexibility (sometimes in a different organization). Some of the factors that were frequently under consideration were: cost of child care, ability to spend time with their family, income, opportunity to use their experience/education, and their ability to stay in a job they considered meaningful. At the end of the day, the decisions were very important, extremely personal and often very stressful.

Work Evolution

After discussing this with friend after friend, colleague after colleague, and hearing story after story, I decided to take matters into my own hands and started to craft the idea that would eventually become Work Evolution.

I firmly believe that work-life balance is critical both to individuals and to organizations. My goal for Work Evolution is to help organizations hire professionals in flexible jobs. This means helping organizations recognize the value of flexible work and what opportunities may exist within their organization for professionals. It also means helping professionals learn about and discover flexible jobs, while building a strong community of flex-working professionals.

This is important to me and it is in alignment with my own values. Care to join me?

5 Tips to Brew Tea to Ward Off Anxiety and Depression in 2018

woman with tea

Winter can be a tough time. Not only is the weather dull and gray, but everyone around you is also down with cold and flu. Nearly 300 million people in the world suffer from anxiety and depression, seasonal or otherwise, according to WHO. However, there are a number of ways to get over anxiety, and what could be better than a hot steaming cup of tea?

With the New Year just beginning, it’s a good time to take control of your life and keep depression and anxiety at an arm’s length. Here are some tips to brew tea to ward off those pesky winter blues:

Chamomile for insomnia

Sleeplessness is one of the major symptoms of depression, as well as anxiety disorder. Luckily, chamomile tea is an easy way to cure insomnia. Chamomile tea has proven to be effective in aiding sleeplessness and lifting your mood. In fact, it can also help build your immunity, relieve headaches and aid digestion. In addition, it helps you relax and fall asleep much faster.

Chamomile has been used as an antidepressant for many years. Back in the old Egyptian times, people used chamomile as a remedy for various anxiety disorders. A popular study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology in 2010 showed that having chamomile tea decreases anxiety. So, the next time you brew some tea, remember to add some chamomile to the mix!

A pinch of turmeric

Turmeric, popular for being a natural healing agent, can also be used as a mood lifter. Turmeric heals you from inside out and keeps you healthy and fit.

A recent study published in the Phytotherapy Research Journal tested the use of turmeric as an anti-depressant against the drug Prozac. The results show that curcumin (found in turmeric) can be used as an effective method of treatment in patients with depression, without the risk of any side effects. It can even help with the onset of dementia.

When you feel better physically, your mental health will improve too, thus your anxiety levels will go down.

Lemon Balm for relaxation

Lemon Balm, originally from the mint family, is a memory boosting and anti-anxiety herb. Lemon Balm also contains a muscle relaxant which allows relaxation and restful sleep. This herb is mostly used for anti-anxiety purposes. In addition to its anti-anxiety properties, Lemon Balm tea can also be used to provide relief from fatigue and digestive problems like bloating, gas, vomiting, heartburn etc. This herb may also help women with menstrual pain and can sometimes even stimulate weak menstrual cycles.

Brew rose petals

Rose petals are great for your skin and tea made out of it works well as a natural anxiety reliever. Rose bud tea has an amazing fragrance and is packed with vitamin C and antioxidants. This makes it the best tea for times when your mind and body need a boost. Rose bud tea can help ease the mind and reduce stress, thereby, reducing anxiety levels. It can be made with both fresh or dried rose petals, however, remember to wash dried rose petals prior to use. Additionally, Rose tea can also help improve your skin, hair and acne problems. The caffeine-free, breathe easy tea boosts the immunity and digestive systems, and can even help with weight loss!


According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a study shows that steeping one tea spoon of died passionflower in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes can help you relax. This herb helps by increasing the levels of relaxing neurotransmitters in your brain and thus lets you go to sleep peacefully. Some studies also show that this herb increases the production of gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA in the brain. GABA is an amino acid that promotes a sense of calmness and improves the mood. Ideally, this tea should be taken one hour prior to your bed time.

All of these teas should be sipped while hot to reap maximum benefits of the herbs. For the best experience, have a cup after some meditation or yoga. Aside from drinking herbal teas, you can also make some alterations in your diet and reduce the intake of refined and processed food, as they may be linked to higher anxiety levels. Instead, opt for a balanced diet of carbs, proteins, fats and minerals.

Family Outing Ideas for 2018

Dad water fight with kids

With another year behind us, January is a time for new beginnings, open possibilities, and enriching habits for your family. Here are a few beautiful – and cheap – ways to bond in 2018.

Cook Something New

One fun way to spend time with your family is to get creative in the kitchen by making homemade versions of foods you love. Are Girl Scout cookies a staple in your house that only come once a year? How about a Chinese food joint you always order takeout from? Learning to make these things at home will delight your children, spark an interest in cooking, and save you quite a bit of money. When I was growing up, my family fostered my cooking projects, and having them participate with me strengthened my love for homemade that continues to this day! As an adult, pizza from scratch (down to the sauce!) is a weekly meal for my family – and a great thing to put in lunches the next day.

Explore a New Town

I don’t know about you, but everywhere I’ve ever lived has had a quaint town with historic storefronts and antique shops within an hour’s drive. Some of my warmest childhood memories are of my mom taking my siblings and I to Havana, Florida, just outside of Tallahassee. We wandered antique stores together for hours, marveling in treasures from the past. It was always fodder for conversation for the next week, and instilled an appreciation for the present moment, history, and family time that I carry with me to this day. Find the nearest historic town, pack a lunch, and get exploring!

Start a Container Garden

Regardless of the season, it’s always a good time to get planting with a family container garden! I’ve had great success with them, growing everything – kale, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, herbs! You name it, it can be grown in a container. And it doesn’t have to be expensive. For my veggies, I bought an old popcorn tin from a thrift store, poked some holes in the bottom, and filled it with soil! Here’s a simple how-to on making one yourself. Children are thrilled to watch a plant grow, and there’s nothing quite like harvesting food that they’ve grown themselves – plus, it’s a great way to encourage them to eat their veggies!

Watch a TV Series Together

Remember when we were kids and a show would come out one episode per week? My parents and I ordered pizza every Thursday and watched the latest episode of a sci-fi series. Nowadays, everything can be streamed and binged. Instilling family loyalty to watch a TV show one episode at a time embraces the technology your kids are glued to, turning it into something that the whole family can enjoy. There’s nothing like speculating around the dinner table about what will happen next!

Visit an Animal Sanctuary

Across the U.S., animal sanctuaries house abused and rescued animals. While some are stricter than others, almost all allow visitors to come and meet the animals in a natural, peaceful environment. Visiting these tigers, gorillas, and wolves that have been given a chance at happiness is a wonderful way to engage in meaningful discussions with your children about compassion and the environment while seeing something remarkable.


This one is another way to embrace modern technology while spending time with the family. If you’re looking to explore more, see new things, and uncover secrets, Geocaching is one of the greatest apps of all time! Self-described as “the world’s largest treasure hunt”, it’s exactly that: people hide things all around the world for you to find. Check out their website to see what’s in your area! While this app isn’t free (try $10/month), it’s worth every penny. Geocaching is an excellent way to get walking with your family, explore a new part of town together, or make road trips more exciting. Happy hunting!

Learn a New Skill Together

There’s nothing quite like your kid’s satisfaction when they’ve made something themselves. Tap into that joy by learning to make something together! From lip balms to chocolates, the internet is a wellspring of DIY projects waiting to be done with your family. Look up anything that you use together often or have talked about, get the materials, and start making.

Go on Factory Tours

Check out how yarn, chocolate, tea – basically anything – is made at a local factory! Tours are often free and always fascinating. Learning the ins and outs of how something is made is a fun way to spark conversation with your kids about where things come from. Extra bonus: tours almost always give you freebies, like the one at Celestial Seasonings, where you enjoy unlimited tea before and after their (free) tour.

Game Night!

Step aside, Monopoly. With games like Phase 10, Codenames – even a card version of The Oregon Trail computer game – tabletop games are making a comeback. My family and I play Codenames, Uno, or strategy games often. As a kid, my mom and aunt taught me and my cousins how to play Texas Hold ‘Em. We never played for money, but simply having a thrifted poker set and a deck of cards kept us busy for hours! Instilling a game night in your family brings you together in camaraderie and competition that your kids will treasure as lifelong memories.

Explore Nature

Go on a nature walk with your family. Get into the forest and get to know your local flora. There are an abundance of apps out there to help you ID plants and get to know what’s around you. Your children will be able to integrate technology with the great outdoors in a way that is meaningful and educational. Walking through the woods, you’ll be amazed at how quickly your own inner child emerges. Marvel at what is right outside your door, and get your kids out of the house!

There are so many meaningful ways to make this new year magical and expansive for your family, so get up early and tackle one this weekend. What are some things you resolve to do to get your family engaged in new things together?


How to Keep Your Hair Extensions Healthy This Winter

Woman with blowing hair in cold weather

The year winter is coming, and you are thinking how to protect your hair extensions and keep it healthy this season? If you are in need the answer to the question, which we are discussing here, then we must say that you are at the right place. Your beautiful hair can lock your beauty getting the threat from the cold and wind outside in this season, and if you use extensions, then you must know to protect and keep your hair extension healthy this winter.

It does not matter whether you have a short or long hair. It does not matter if you like styling it along or going to a classy hair using a quality hair extension. In the time the weather, better to say winter starts getting worst, you need to start taking immediate precaution and keep your extension healthy with some special care of your hair. Albeit, there are many different simple tricks by which you can easily and quickly improve and strengthen your hair sans much effort. Let us discuss some of the best winter tips that you like to try this season.

Use a Scarf or a Hat to Protect Hair

Do not forget to use a scarf or a hat to protect your hair always, especially this season for which we are talking about. Whether you wish to protect your hair from the adverse effects of cold as well as wet winter weather, we strictly advise you to style it with a hat or a good quality scarf. You should be careful while using a scarf and the type of head accessory you are about to select. The hat or scarf you use should not be tight as well as restrict the circulation of the scalp. One thing you should bear in mind is that you should know that wool or cotton, or other things might cause breakage. You can use a silk scarf that would help you blowout in a perfect condition, so in the time at your way and remove it, you would have the perfect hairdo for sure.

Do not go out with wet hair or just after a bath

You should not go outside with wet hair or just after a bath. You might like to have your air over-styling, but in this winter is not recommended. You can take some time to blow-dry it, or you can do it naturally prior to go outside or your work. In winter, your hair will take much time to get wet and you will feel cold than usual because of wet hair, because the longer the time it takes to dry the worse it may freeze.

Wash your hair properly

There is a perfect way to wash your hair, and you should not fail to do in time every after a bath. As usual, you do in other seasons; you should do in winter in the same way. You must know the reason to do it because the weather outside is colder and it does not mean that you have to switch to hot water to make your new routine. You may apply hot water, but not throughout the winter because it can damage your scalp.

Not to Over-Heat the Hair

Avoid heat treatment on your hair in this season. Oh, you can do once or twice, but not many times. You should know the heat treatment is not good for your hair and makes the hair dry and prone to breaking as well as split ends. If you want to know more about heat treatment, you can discuss your beauty expert about it. He or she may tell you about it and will not advise you to go with it with wet hair. It is, therefore, strongly recommended to dry hair right away.

To sum it up, the women who have curl, relaxed or textured strands should select day-to-day moisture process. It can apply with a serum or light oil that is rich in omega-fatty-acids as well as leave it overnight, which would nourish as well as hydrate the hair. Whether you follow these four simple, yet effective tips, you would surely get your hair thrive in the harsh winter conditions. In addition to these tips, we are suggesting you go for a darker color and try to forgo platinum for a while.

The Brutal Challenge of Finding Good (and Clean) Halal Food Near Me

best halal food near me

Living in Denver these past few years has been a dream. The art museums, the local coffee shops, the proximity to the mountains, all foster a sense of community that fills me with warmth year round. Always, I am particularly grateful for the diverse native tongues, flavors, and perspectives that the greater Denver area has to offer. And I especially love the food here.

From Sawa, the Polish grocery in Wheat Ridge, and the Ethiopian restaurants on Colfax, to the broad offerings of halal and kosher markets scattered across the greater metro area, there’s somewhere that meets everyone’s culinary needs.

But what about a nice night out while eating halal? Sure, you have the means to buy all the ingredients for a good halal meal here, but these days, it’s unrealistic to assume that people will have enough time on their hands to cook every single meal, every single day. And sometimes it’s nice to just have food prepared for you. Going out to eat is a joy, and

it’s so important to feel confident that where you choose to dine follows the guidelines that you value. Denver’s halal offerings are rich, and thankfully, spread across town – so you’re never too far from a great place to eat, no matter where you are in the city. Here are three of the best restaurants with halal offerings in the Denver area.

Jerusalem Restaurant

I’ll just kick it off with a place that has been here for almost thirty years, and is a touchstone of Denver cuisine: Jerusalem Restaurant. Its simple name is as straightforward as its menu, but don’t let that fool you into thinking you’ll be left wanting anything after eating here. First off: their stuffed grape leaves. Lemony, vibrant, with rice that is perfectly cooked – they are genuinely the best grape leaves that I have ever had at a restaurant. They have a broad offering of sides, falafel iterations, and sandwiches.

Their halal beef and lamb gyro is pleasant and filling, and very reasonably priced at only $7.50. Their fries are almost $4, but it’s worth it to indulge in some fries that are confidently halal, since they don’t get deep fried alongside chicken wings like they do in most mainstream restaurants. Jerusalem Restaurant has a simple aesthetic, a great location right by the University of Denver, and fast service. As one of the most well-known casual restaurants in town, they are worth the visit, and you won’t soon forget the meal you had there. I know that I for one regularly daydream about those grape leaves…

Darya Persian Restaurant

Second on my list is Darya Persian Restaurant in Aurora. They serve up some delicious Iranian classics here like ashe-reshteh, a nourishing noodle soup with a variety of greens and beans. They also offer a solid selection of tasty kabobs that are all reasonably priced at $11-$13 for a plate laden with kabobs, bread, and saffron rice. Darya Persian Restaurant also offers the traditional, warm, delightful Persian dish mirza ghasemi, and they do it justice.

A blend of eggplant, herbs, tomatoes, and eggs that you dip their warm bread into, it’s a combination of savory flavors that is truly divine. Finally, as silly as this one sounds, Darya Restaurant is a great place to go when you’re craving a good, halal burger. Sometimes it’s nice to indulge in an unhealthy staple that many people get to eat without a second thought. Being able to eat a burger at a restaurant, and feel confident that the meat is halal, is a great feeling.

Shish Kabob Grill

Last but not least, Shish Kabob Grill also earns a spot on this list for its straightforward, halal fare in the heart of Denver. Located in Cap Hill, this joint has been open since 2004 and is run by a warm couple originally from Aleppo. And despite its unassuming looks, Shish Kabob Grill has the best hummus in town, hands down. So good, in fact, I’ve heard about several people who were staunchly anti-hummus that were converted by Shish Kabob Grill’s creamy dip.

Their chicken shawarma plate is also packed with flavor, and is a huge helping of food for only $15. Finally, the best way to finish any meal is with a hot cup of coffee, and Shish Kabob Grill serves up Turkish coffee with cardamom that is truly out of this world. Once you’ve indulged in some good Turkish coffee, you’ll never think that dessert is a proper meal ending again.

While these are all great options, it’s important to keep in mind that Denver is lucky to have these choices. In smaller towns, there aren’t as many places to choose from that are truly halal, and it’s harder when you’re traveling to be sure you’re eating in line with your values. A safe way to broaden your scope is at vegan and vegetarian restaurants. As there is no meat there to begin with, most halal rules are followed – just be sure to ask your server if something has been made with soy sauce or vanilla extract, as those do contain trace amounts of alcohol.

As a matter of fact, there is a growing movement amongst Muslim millennials to push toward a more plant-based lifestyle, based on the idea that factory farms can never truly be halal, even if rules are followed. For more information on how to incorporate a plant-based diet into your faith, follow The Vegan Muslim Initiative for regular blog updates and engagement with the broader community.