Massages are incredibly popular nowadays. Recent statistics show that people are getting a massage on average at least once a month. Yet, there’s more to massage than relaxing music and essential oils. It’s about giving your body time to relax and decompress. This article talks you through some of the biggest benefits of getting a massage and helps you find the treatment you need. 

What is massage?

A massage is where pressure is applied to the soft tissue of the body with hands, forearms, elbows, or other parts including the feet and knees. These are often used in conjunction with relaxing music and oils. It can be done on its own or as part of a spa treatment, which usually includes other kinds of natural therapies to help you relax and unwind. Massage used to be done in the nude but it’s now more common to wear underwear or swimwear, depending on the kind of massage you’re getting.

People often think that massage is just about relaxing and giving yourself time out after a hard week. In reality, massage is good for so many things. Now you know what to expect, here are five great benefits to massage that you may not have heard before.

Reduce muscle tension

Massage is often used to treat people with muscular and joint problems. It’s great for relaxation, but it also helps the body get rid of toxins that can build up in muscles and cause pain or tension. By working on knots in the muscle, massage helps enhance flexibility.

Aids muscle recovery

If you’ve had a strenuous workout and your muscles feel tired, massage can also help. This is because it helps the muscle tissue to recover more quickly by releasing endorphins into the body that will give you an energy boost. If you suffer from over-worked or over-exhausted muscles often, then there are specific massage techniques that will help.

The oils and ointments used during massage can also help with muscle recovery, so be sure to choose something that works best for you. For instance, you could use muscle balms or massage oil infused with echinacea, mint, or even cannabidiol! You can buy CBD from various locations across the world, and many retailers have products specifically designed for massage. Be sure to shop around before making your purchase.

Eases pain

If you have a sports injury or an old injury, massage can help. The physical pressure helps to release both serotonin and endorphins, which are associated with pain relief. It’s possible to take this further by focusing on problem areas; for example if you have back pain all over but it’s mainly at your lower back. By applying pressure to that area specifically you can bring relief to your whole back.

Better mobility

Once you’ve had a massage, it might take some time for your muscles to get used to being worked on. However, after that point, the benefits are clear to see. Tighter muscles will become easier to work with and they’ll also allow you greater flexibility in your joints. This is due to the fact that your muscles serve as a kind of support system for your joints, so the more pliable they are, the better you’ll feel overall.

It’s relaxing! 

The final major benefit is that massage can be a great way to unwind and relax. Many people suffer from chronic stress throughout their lives, which leads to a variety of problems.

A massage won’t necessarily solve these problems by itself, but it can give you some time out from your busy life.

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