Tooth decay and gum disease are quite common dental problems in the world today. They result from bacteria constantly coating the teeth with a plaque, which is often sticky. This plaque, if not brushed, would eat up the enamel by breaking down sugars and starches in foods to produce acids. Gum inflammation or gingivitis is also common when the plaque hardens.

Virtually everyone knows about brushing and flossing the teeth twice a day, but do everyone live up to this? As a matter of fact, blushing and flossing and even regular dental visits are not just enough to keep the teeth and the gum healthy. There are additional ways to take care of your teeth and keep it healthy, some of which include:

Chew Gum After Meals

Sugar-free gums are great for oral health, as they help get rid of food stuck in the mouth and clean the teeth, with the aid of increased saliva flow. Chewing sugar-free gums after meals and snacks rinse off the acid released by the bacteria formed by the plaque, and also neutralizes it. Most sugar-free gums are sweetened with xylitol, which helps to prevent bacteria from eating up the enamel and forming cavities. Clinical studies from the American Dental Association have shown that chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals can help prevent tooth decay.

Drink Tea

Drinking tea has been proven by scientists over the years to help keep the teeth healthy. This is due to the flavonoid content known for its dental benefit, among numerous other benefits. Flavonoid works by preventing the bacteria from forming plaque, which causes cavities. An Egypt-based study found out that test subjects had fewer bacteria and acid in their mouth after they rinsed off with green tea for five minutes. They also had reduced gum bleeding. Black tea, on the other hand, contains natural fluoride, which helps to prevent cavities.

This will, however, not be effective if the tea is sweetened with sugar or honey. You might end up with the opposite result. This is why it is always best to drink unsweetened tea.

Eat a More Balanced Diet

A more balanced diet protects the teeth from decay and also keeps the gum healthy. A diet rich in nutrients like calcium, vitamin C and E, folic acid and non-acidic foods is excellent for healthy teeth and gums. The best meals for oral health include calcium-rich foods found in low-fat or fat-free milk, yogurt and cheese, canned salmon, dark green leafy vegetables, and so on. In addition are Phosphorus found in eggs, fish and lean meat, and Vitamin C found in citrus fruits. It also works to snack smart between meals. The advantage of this is that you not only get healthier teeth but also contribute to your overall health.

Floss Your Teeth Regularly

Dental floss helps to remove plaque and excess food particles that are not visible in the mirror or cannot be reached by your toothbrush. Regular flossing will help keep the teeth healthy and make them look brighter, and also prevent tooth decay. Your toothbrush is not enough to clean your mouth completely, so it needs an assistant like the dental floss to reach tricky regions in your mouth. The American Dental Association recommends that you floss at least once in a day, usually before brushing your teeth, to allow the fluoride in toothpaste to reach proximal areas.

Try Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal has been making the trend lately, and the dental benefit is just one of its many amazing benefits. Activated charcoal basically works by binding to toxins and absorb them, due to its highly absorbent nature. It helps pull toxins and removes statins when used in the mouth. Although it will temporarily stain your mouth, it still works wonders on the teeth and keeps it white. You can worry less about the stains once you rinse it off.

However, charcoal can be a bit abrasive and can wear down the enamel if you are not careful. Always opt for good charcoal toothpaste that is not too abrasive. Read more about the whitening effect of activated charcoal on the teeth on

By constantly keeping your teeth healthy, you also improve your overall health and live a generally healthy lifestyle.

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